Development Setup
This document describes the steps to get started with development. You can either utilize Codespaces or setup a local environment.
Local Setup
Get things running
Get dependencies with
go get
This project uses
. You can utilizemake help
to see available targets. For local deployment make targets help to build, test and deploy.
Making changes
Please refer to Development Reference for more details on the specific commands.
To test your changes on a cluster:
# generate necessary api files (optional - only needed if changes to api folder).
make generate
# build applicable images
make docker-build-manager MANAGER_IMG=eraser-manager:dev
make docker-build-remover REMOVER_IMG=remover:dev
make docker-build-collector COLLECTOR_IMG=collector:dev
make docker-build-trivy-scanner TRIVY_SCANNER_IMG=eraser-trivy-scanner:dev
# make sure updated image is present on cluster (e.g., see kind example below)
kind load docker-image \
eraser-manager:dev \
eraser-trivy-scanner:dev \
remover:dev \
make manifests
make deploy
# to remove the deployment
make undeploy
To test your changes to manager locally:
make run
Example Output:
you@local:~/eraser$ make run
docker build . \
-t eraser-tooling \
-f build/tooling/Dockerfile
[+] Building 7.8s (8/8) FINISHED
=> => naming to 0.0s
docker run -v /home/eraser/config:/config -w /config/manager \ edit set image controller=eraser-manager:dev
docker run -v /home/eraser:/eraser eraser-tooling controller-gen \
crd \
rbac:roleName=manager-role \
webhook \
paths="./..." \
rm -rf manifest_staging
mkdir -p manifest_staging/deploy
docker run --rm -v /home/eraser:/eraser \ build \
/eraser/config/default -o /eraser/manifest_staging/deploy/eraser.yaml
docker run -v /home/eraser:/eraser eraser-tooling controller-gen object:headerFile="hack/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./..."
go fmt ./...
go vet ./...
go run ./main.go
{"level":"info","ts":1652985685.1663408,"logger":"controller-runtime.metrics","msg":"Metrics server is starting to listen","addr":":8080"}
Development Reference
Eraser is using tooling from kubebuilder. For Eraser this tooling is containerized into the eraser-tooling
image. The make
targets can use this tooling and build the image when necessary.
You can override the default configuration using environment variables. Below you can find a reference of targets and configuration options.
Common Configuration
Environment Variable | Description |
VERSION | Specifies the version (i.e., the image tag) of eraser to be used. |
MANAGER_IMG | Defines the image url for the Eraser manager. Used for tagging, pulling and pushing the image |
REMOVER_IMG | Defines the image url for the Eraser. Used for tagging, pulling and pushing the image |
COLLECTOR_IMG | Defines the image url for the Collector. Used for tagging, pulling and pushing the image |
make lint
Lints the go code.
Environment Variable | Description |
GOLANGCI_LINT | Specifies the go linting binary to be used for linting. |
make generate
Generates necessary files for the k8s api stored under api/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
. See the kubebuilder docs for details.
make manifests
Generates the eraser deployment yaml files under manifest_staging/deploy
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
REMOVER_IMG | Defines the image url for the Eraser. |
MANAGER_IMG | Defines the image url for the Eraser manager. |
KUSTOMIZE_VERSION | Define Kustomize version for generating manifests. |
make test
Runs the unit tests for the eraser project.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
ENVTEST | Specifies the envtest setup binary. |
ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION | Specifies the Kubernetes version for envtest setup command. |
make e2e-test
Runs e2e tests on a cluster.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
REMOVER_IMG | Eraser image to be used for e2e test. |
MANAGER_IMG | Eraser manager image to be used for e2e test. |
KUBERNETES_VERSION | Kubernetes version for e2e test. |
TEST_COUNT | Sets repetition for test. Please refer to go docs for details. |
TIMEOUT | Sets timeout for test. Please refer to go docs for details. |
TESTFLAGS | Sets additional test flags |
make build
Builds the eraser manager binaries.
make run
Runs the eraser manager on your local machine.
make docker-build-manager
Builds the docker image for the eraser manager.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
CACHE_FROM | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-from flag see buildx reference. |
CACHE_TO | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-to flag see buildx reference. |
PLATFORM | Sets the target platform for buildx see buildx reference. |
OUTPUT_TYPE | Sets the output for buildx see buildx reference. |
MANAGER_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make docker-push-manager
Builds the docker image for the eraser manager.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
MANAGER_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make docker-build-remover
Builds the docker image for eraser remover.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
CACHE_FROM | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-from flag see buildx reference. |
CACHE_TO | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-to flag see buildx reference. |
PLATFORM | Sets the target platform for buildx see buildx reference. |
OUTPUT_TYPE | Sets the output for buildx see buildx reference. |
REMOVER_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make docker-push-remover
Builds the docker image for the eraser remover.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
REMOVER_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make docker-build-collector
Builds the docker image for the eraser collector.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
CACHE_FROM | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-from flag see buildx reference. |
CACHE_TO | Sets the target of the buildx --cache-to flag see buildx reference. |
PLATFORM | Sets the target platform for buildx see buildx reference. |
OUTPUT_TYPE | Sets the output for buildx see buildx reference. |
COLLECTOR_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make docker-push-collector
Builds the docker image for the eraser collector.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
COLLECTOR_IMG | Specifies the target repository, image name and tag for building image. |
make install
Install CRDs into the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
KUSTOMIZE_VERSION | Kustomize version used to generate k8s resources for deployment. |
make uninstall
Uninstall CRDs from the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
KUSTOMIZE_VERSION | Kustomize version used to generate k8s resources for deployment. |
make deploy
Deploys eraser to the cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
KUSTOMIZE_VERSION | Kustomize version used to generate k8s resources for deployment. |
MANAGER_IMG | Specifies the eraser manager image version to be used for deployment |
make undeploy
Undeploy controller from the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
KUSTOMIZE_VERSION | Kustomize version used to generate k8s resources that need to be removed. |
make release-manifest
Generates k8s manifests files for a release.
Configuration Options:
Environment Variable | Description |
NEWVERSION | Sets the new version in the Makefile |
make promote-staging-manifest
Promotes the k8s deployment yaml files to release.