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Version: v1.4.x



Eraser uses a configmap to configure its behavior. The configmap is part of the deployment and it is not necessary to deploy it manually. Once deployed, the configmap can be edited at any time:

kubectl edit configmap --namespace eraser-system eraser-manager-config

If an eraser job is already running, the changes will not take effect until the job completes. The configuration is in yaml.

Key Concepts

Basic architecture

The manager runs as a pod in your cluster and manages ImageJobs. Think of an ImageJob as a unit of work, performed on every node in your cluster. Each node runs a sub-job. The goal of the ImageJob is to assess the images on your cluster's nodes, and to remove the images you don't want. There are two stages:

  1. Assessment
  2. Removal.


An ImageJob can either be created on-demand (see Manual Removal), or they can be spawned on a timer like a cron job. On-demand jobs skip the assessment stage and get right down to the business of removing the images you specified. The behavior of an on-demand job is quite different from that of timed jobs.

Fault Tolerance

Because an ImageJob runs on every node in your cluster, and the conditions on each node may vary widely, some of the sub-jobs may fail. If you cannot tolerate any failure, set the manager.imageJob.successRatio property to 1.0. If 75% success sounds good to you, set it to 0.75. In that case, if fewer than 75% of the pods spawned by the ImageJob report success, the job as a whole will be marked as a failure.

This is mainly to help diagnose error conditions. As such, you can set manager.imageJob.cleanup.delayOnFailure to a long value so that logs can be captured before the spawned pods are cleaned up.

Excluding Nodes

For various reasons, you may want to prevent Eraser from scheduling pods on certain nodes. To do so, the nodes can be given a special label. By default, this label is, but you can configure the behavior with the options under manager.nodeFilter. The table provides more detail.

Configuring Components

An ImageJob is made up of various sub-jobs, with one sub-job for each node. These sub-jobs can be broken down further into three stages.

  1. Collection (What is on the node?)
  2. Scanning (What images conform to the policy I've provided?)
  3. Removal (Remove images based on the results of the above)

Of the above stages, only Removal is mandatory. The others can be disabled. Furthermore, manually triggered ImageJobs will skip right to removal, even if Eraser is configured to collect and scan. Collection and Scanning will only take place when:

  1. The collector and/or scanner components are enabled, AND
  2. The job was not triggered manually by creating an ImageList.

Disabling scanner will remove all non-running images by default.

Swapping out components

The collector, scanner, and remover components can all be swapped out. This enables you to build and host the images yourself. In addition, the scanner's behavior can be completely tailored to your needs by swapping out the default image with one of your own. To specify the images, use the components.<component>.image.repo and components.<component>.image.tag, where <component> is one of collector, scanner, or remover.

Universal Options

The following portions of the configmap apply no matter how you spawn your ImageJob. The values provided below are the defaults. For more detail on these options, see the table.

name: containerd
address: unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock
otlpEndpoint: "" # empty string disables OpenTelemetry
logLevel: info
enabled: false
port: 6060
successRatio: 1.0
delayOnSuccess: 0s
delayOnFailure: 24h
pullSecrets: [] # image pull secrets for collector/scanner/remover
priorityClassName: "" # priority class name for collector/scanner/remover
additionalPodLabels: {}
extraScannerVolumes: {}
extraScannerVolumeMounts: {}
type: exclude # must be either exclude|include
tag: v1.0.0
mem: 25Mi
cpu: 0
mem: 30Mi
cpu: 1000m

Component Options

enabled: true
tag: v1.0.0
mem: 25Mi
cpu: 7m
mem: 500Mi
cpu: 0
enabled: true
tag: v1.0.0
mem: 500Mi
cpu: 1000m
mem: 2Gi
cpu: 0
config: |
# this is the schema for the provided 'trivy-scanner'. custom scanners
# will define their own configuration. see the below
tag: v1.0.0
mem: 25Mi
cpu: 0
mem: 30Mi
cpu: 1000m

Scanner Options

These options can be provided to components.scanner.config. They will be passed through as a string to the scanner container and parsed there. If you want to configure your own scanner, you must provide some way to parse this.

Below are the values recognized by the provided eraser-trivy-scanner image. Values provided below are the defaults.

cacheDir: /var/lib/trivy # The file path inside the container to store the cache
dbRepo: # The container registry from which to fetch the trivy database
deleteFailedImages: true # if true, remove images for which scanning fails, regardless of why it failed
deleteEOLImages: true # if true, remove images that have reached their end-of-life date
ignoreUnfixed: true # consider the image compliant if there are no known fixes for the vulnerabilities found.
types: # a list of vulnerability types. for more info, see trivy's documentation.
- os
- library
securityChecks: # see trivy's documentation for more information
- vuln
severities: # in this case, only flag images with CRITICAL vulnerability for removal
ignoredStatuses: # a list of trivy statuses to ignore. See
total: 23h # if scanning isn't completed before this much time elapses, abort the whole scan
perImage: 1h # if scanning a single image exceeds this time, scanning will be aborted

Detailed Options

manager.runtime.nameThe runtime to use for the manager's containers. Must be one of containerd, crio, or dockershim. It is assumed that your nodes are all using the same runtime, and there is currently no way to configure multiple runtimes.containerd
manager.runtime.addressThe runtime socket address to use for the containers. Can provide a custom address for containerd and dockershim runtimes, but not for crio due to Trivy restrictions.unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock
manager.otlpEndpointThe endpoint to send OpenTelemetry data to. If empty, data will not be sent.""
manager.logLevelThe log level for the manager's containers. Must be one of debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, or
manager.scheduling.repeatIntervalUse only when collector ando/or scanner are enabled. This is like a cron job, and will spawn an ImageJob at the interval provided.24h
manager.scheduling.beginImmediatelyIf set to true, the fist ImageJob will run immediately. If false, the job will not be spawned until after the interval (above) has elapsed.true
manager.profile.enabledWhether to enable profiling for the manager's containers. This is for debugging with go tool pprof.false
manager.profile.portThe port on which to expose the profiling endpoint.6060
manager.imageJob.successRatioThe ratio of successful image jobs required before a cleanup is performed.1.0
manager.imageJob.cleanup.delayOnSuccessThe amount of time to wait after a successful image job before performing cleanup.0s
manager.imageJob.cleanup.delayOnFailureThe amount of time to wait after a failed image job before performing cleanup.24h
manager.pullSecretsThe image pull secrets to use for collector, scanner, and remover containers.[]
manager.priorityClassNameThe priority class to use for collector, scanner, and remover containers.""
manager.additionalPodLabelsAdditional labels for all pods that the controller creates at runtime.{}
manager.nodeFilter.typeThe type of node filter to use. Must be either "exclude" or "include".exclude
manager.nodeFilter.selectorsA list of selectors used to filter nodes.[]
components.collector.enabledWhether to enable the collector component.true
components.collector.image.repoThe repository containing the collector
components.collector.image.tagThe tag of the collector image.v1.0.0
components.collector.request.memThe amount of memory to request for the collector container.25Mi
components.collector.request.cpuThe amount of CPU to request for the collector container.7m
components.collector.limit.memThe maximum amount of memory the collector container is allowed to use.500Mi
components.collector.limit.cpuThe maximum amount of CPU the collector container is allowed to use.0
components.scanner.enabledWhether to enable the scanner component.true
components.scanner.image.repoThe repository containing the scanner
components.scanner.image.tagThe tag of the scanner image.v1.0.0
components.scanner.request.memThe amount of memory to request for the scanner container.500Mi
components.scanner.request.cpuThe amount of CPU to request for the scanner container.1000m
components.scanner.limit.memThe maximum amount of memory the scanner container is allowed to use.2Gi
components.scanner.limit.cpuThe maximum amount of CPU the scanner container is allowed to use.0
components.scanner.configThe configuration to pass to the scanner container, as a YAML string.See YAML below
components.scanner.volumesExtra volumes for scanner.{}
components.remover.image.repoThe repository containing the remover
components.remover.image.tagThe tag of the remover image.v1.0.0
components.remover.request.memThe amount of memory to request for the remover container.25Mi
components.remover.request.cpuThe amount of CPU to request for the remover container.0